Over the years I have made many lifestyle changes in search of better health and well being both physically and mentally. Here is an attempt to document and share the experiments. My primary intensions of this blog are 1/ Improve my writing skills 2/ Keep my self accountable and track my progress towards the promises I make 3/ I may influence others if they want to learn from it.
This week marks another important step in the series of lifestyle changes. Even though you will notice that I am easily influenced by the latest fad in diet or exercise it will take several years for me to made up my mind and commit to it seriously. One of my relatives passed away last week and though he was in eighties, diabetes was key contributor for his death. I did not know half of the US population is at risk of metabolic diseases including diabetes, hypertension, cardio vascular diseases, cancer etc, due to the big elephant in the kitchen - SUGAR. There is enough science and evidence today to support that Sugar is one of the main causes for these diseases. I had heard stories on youtube or read about books where people described their experience after quitting sugar. This was always in the back of my mind and this week I am taking a plunge into it. Here are other lifestyle commitments I have been following:
- About 6 years back I saw this movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead and started juicing. I have not stopped since. With the new sugar awareness I will reduce the sweet fruits considerably and increase the use of vegetables. This was always recommended but I just ignored it.
- Around the same time I also saw a Netflix movie that talked about atrocities done to the cow in the dairy industry, why we don't need milk other than mother's breast milk, and why our body is not made to digest milk. I am a partial vegan, meaning, no more milk or cheese. However, I do take butter milk or plain yogurt in small quantities if I can't get coconut yogurt. Another one is ghee which is hard to give up.
- About 2 years back I saw several videos of Sadguru, and decided to quit any food that impairs with the functions of the brain, meaning anything that stimulates or makes it numb. Read it as caffeine or alcohol. No more coffee, tea or any soft drinks. I have stayed away from alcohol for a long time.
- About 3 years back I ran into Millet man of India, Dr. Khadar, and decided to reduce consumption of white rice which is a staple in my diet. I have not completely stopped white rice but use a variety of whole grains including millets, brown and red rice.