On Ramanavami (21-April-2021) as part of Samskrita Bharati's gruhe gruhe ramayanam, I started to read two sargas of Ramayananam every day. There is a group of 600+ people organized on telegram app who have signed up. I will share interesting tidbits through this blog.
Today (7/11) - Ayodhya Khanda - 89-90-91 Sarga
Bharadwaja extends elaborate hospitality to Bharata and his entourage -- Invokes Visvakarma to make necessary arrangements. This reminded me of Vasista muni invoking Kamadhenu to feed Kaushika's army. I had never heard of this episode. Interesting to see that the army was fed with every possible food dishes including mutton, pork, chicken and peacock meat. Also, unlimited liquor. At the end the solders will say - "Let's forget Rama and going back to Ayodhya and stay here" :-)
In Sargas 89 and 90 - Both Guha and Bharadwaja ask Bharata - "Why have you brought army? what ill-intention do you have?" - poor Bharata's reputation has been destroyed due to Kaikeyee.
Today 8/12
After hearing to Maricha's advice Ravana will go back to Lanka abandoning his plan of Sita's abduction.
एवमुक्तो दशग्रीवो मारीचेन स रावणः।
न्यवर्तत पुरीं लङ्कां विवेश च गृहोत्तमम्।।3.31.50।।
Today 8/13
Shurpanakha lies to Ravana that she was trying to get Sita for him but Lakshmana disfigured her
तां तु विस्तीर्णजघनां पीनश्रोणिपयोधराम्।
भार्यार्थे च तवानेतुमुद्यताहं वराननाम्।।3.34.20।।
विरूपितास्मि क्रूरेण लक्ष्मणेन महाभुज।
Today 8/14
Ravana lies (or was not informed) that Rama was sent to forest due to his father's anger. He continues to abuse Rama
पित्रा निरस्तः क्रुद्धेन सभार्यः क्षीणजीवितः।
स हन्ता तस्य सैन्यस्य रामः क्षत्रियपांसनः।।3.36.10।।
दुश्शीलः कर्कशस्तीक्ष्णो मूर्खो लुब्धोऽजितेन्द्रियः।।3.36.11।।
त्यक्तधर्मो ह्यधर्मात्मा भूतानामहिते रतः।
Today 8/15
Maaricha will set the record straight on Rama. He says ravana has been ill-informed
न रामः कर्कशस्तात नाविद्वान्नाजितेन्द्रियः।
अनृतं दुश्श्रुतं चैव नैव त्वं वक्तुमर्हसि।।3.37.12।।
Today 8/19
Lakshmana predicts that this deer is maya deer and it is none other than Maaricha. Seeta uses harsh words on Lakshmana. There is a lot to learn here 1/ How emotions play with women 2/ How logic does not work at that time. Lakshmana predicts that Seeta will not be there when he comes back with Rama
Today 8/21
Seeta says - fruits of paapa (bad deeds) will come after some time like the crops that ripe after some time.
ननु सद्योऽविनीतस्य दृश्यते कर्मणःफलम्।।3.49.27।।
कालोऽप्यङ्गीभवत्यत्र सस्यानामिव पक्तये।
Today 8/24
Ravana falls at seeta's feet asking her to please him:
एतौ पादौ मया स्निग्धौ शिरोभिः परिपीडितौ।।3.55.35।।
प्रसादं कुरु मे क्षिप्र वश्यो दासोऽहमस्मिते।
Seeta does not care if any harm is done to her body
इदं शरीरं निस्संज्ञं बन्ध वा खातयस्व वा।
नेदं शरीरं रक्षयं मे जीवितं वापि राक्षस।।3.56.21।।
न तु शक्ष्याम्युपक्रोशं पृथिव्यां दातुमात्मनः।
O demon this body has (now) no consciousness. You may bind it or bury it. I do not think that this body or even this life need to be protected. But at no cost can I make this an object of censure on earth (must not be branded an unchaste woman).
Today 8/25
Rama comes running back after killing Maaricha. He sees many bad omens 1/ jackal howling 2/ left eye twitching etc,
अशुभं बत मन्येऽहं गोमायुर्वाश्यते यथा। <---- jackal howling
स्वस्ति स्यादपि वैदेह्या राक्षसैर्भक्षणं विना।।3.57.4।।
मनश्च मे दीनमिहाप्रहृष्टं चक्षुश्च सव्यं कुरुते विकारम्। <--- left eye throbbing
असंशयं लक्ष्मण नास्ति सीता हृता मृता वा पथि वर्तते वा।।3.57.24।।
Today 8/26
Rama is not happy that Lakshmana left Seeta alone, in spite of Lakshamana giving all the reasons
सर्वथा त्वविनीतं ते सीतया यत्प्रचोदितः।
क्रोधस्य वशमापन्नो नाकरोश्शासनं मम।।3.59.24।। < -- did not follow my orders
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